Research by Qilu University of Technology confirms that e-cigarettes have far less impact on oral health than cigarettes

On March 15, the latest research from Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences) showed that compared with cigarettes, e-cigarettes are less harmful to the oral health of smokers, and may be less likely to cause periodontal-related oral diseases. Viability of human gingival epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke was significantly reduced, whereas e-cigarette aerosol had no significant effect on cell viability.

The research was completed by the research group of Associate Professor Su Le of Qilu University of Technology, and published in the SCI journal “ACS Omega” of the American Chemical Society.

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The paper was published by the SCI journal “ACS Omega” of the American Chemical Society

The researchers compared the effects of e-cigarettes and cigarettes on human gingival epithelial cell survival, reactive oxygen species levels, and inflammatory factors. The study found that at the same nicotine concentration, the apoptosis rate of human gingival epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke condensate was 26.97%, which was 2.15 times that of electronic cigarettes.

Cigarettes significantly increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in cells, while e-cigarette aerosol agglutinates at the same nicotine concentration did not lead to an increase in ROS levels. At the same time, cigarette exposure led to a significant increase in the levels of inflammatory factors, while e-cigarette aerosol agglutinates at the same nicotine concentration had no effect on the levels of cellular inflammatory factors. Rising levels of reactive oxygen species and inflammatory factors will induce apoptosis.

The main person in charge of the study, Associate Professor Su Le from Qilu University of Technology, introduced that gingival epithelial cells are the first natural barrier of periodontal tissue and play an important role in oral health. The results of the study show that compared with electronic cigarettes, cigarettes are more likely to cause inflammation in cells, increase the level of active oxygen in cells, and are more likely to cause oral tissue damage and periodontitis and other diseases.

It is understood that many previous studies have found that the risk of periodontal disease among e-cigarette users is much lower than that of cigarette users.

In 2022, the Royal Cornwall Hospital and the Qatar University School of Dental Medicine jointly published a paper in the journal Nature that compared with non-smokers and e-cigarette users, the periodontal PD (probing depth) of traditional cigarette smokers ) and PI (plaque index) were significantly increased. The article pointed out that for people with periodontal health risks, it will be safer to use e-cigarettes instead of traditional cigarettes.

In 2021, a research paper published by the authoritative medical SCI journal “Journal of Dental Research” pointed out that e-cigarettes have less impact on the oral health environment than cigarettes, and dentists should pay attention to the harm reduction effect of e-cigarettes to support oral diseases of cigarette users switched to e-cigarettes.

“This study once again confirms that e-cigarettes are less toxic to gingival epithelial cells than cigarettes, showing a significant harm reduction effect.” Associate Professor Su Le said, “We will continue to conduct more research to deeply evaluate the safety and long-term effects of e-cigarettes. Influence.”

Post time: Mar-20-2023